GREG LOCKE has 40 years experience as a professional photographer, journalist, editor and media producer. His work has appeared in publications and news agencies such as Canadian Geographic, Reuters, The Globe & Mail, Forbes, Time, Businessweek, Readers Digest, Toronto Star, Canadian Business, Financial Post Magazine, Utne Reader, Men’s Health, Macleans and CNN’s Parts Unknown and the Canadian Broadcasting Company.

Four books of his work have been published;

NEWFOUNDLAND, journey into a lost nation. By Greg Locke and Michael Crummey. McClelland and Stewart 2004

TOUCHED BY FIRE, doctors without borders in a third world crisis. Co-produced with Elliott Leyton. McClelland and Stewart 1998

HIBERNIA: Promise of Rock and Sea, from Break Water Books (1998) Editor: Lara Maynard.

True North: Canadian Song Book by Eleanor McCain. Retriever Records. 2017

Greg was awarded the 2005 CAJ/CIDA Fellowship for journalism in the area of foreign aid and international development by the Canadian Association of Journalists and the Canadian International Development Agency. The first photographer to receive the award.

1996 Macleans Magazine, Pictures of the Year for Rwanda photos

2007 National Magazine Award. Words and Pictures category. Where Canada Meets The World for Canadian Business Magazine.

2011 National Post newspaper. Best Photo of 2011 Federal Election. (Jack Leyton in St John’s)

2017 Time Magazine Top 100 Pictures of the Year for Ferryland Iceberg photo

2020 “The Mummers” photograph accepted in the Newfoundland provincial Art Bank.

Academically his background has been in Commercial Art, Anthropology and Information Technology.

Greg Locke at the Canada -EU Trade Summit. Photographed by Paul Day.